Why Philosophy?
I went down to my local council and asked the finance clerk the list of questions regarding their bylaw, hidden corporate status and political neutrality legitimacy. Three days later I walked by the District hall and the pride flag had been replaced by the District flag, and remains today.
I based my actions on the following philosophy. Once you have discovered the true root of the problem and base your actions on that, solutions are fast and permanent.
I based my actions on the following philosophy. Once you have discovered the true root of the problem and base your actions on that, solutions are fast and permanent.
Philosophy for Confront Your Council
Who This is For
This website and suggested procedures is not meant for grownups. It’s for adults. Anyone can ‘grow up’ into an adult body but there’s no automatic relationship to being emotionally mature and virtuous as it is with actual adults. There are other movements confronting their councils and this is not a competing method. I’ts merely a way for you to dip your toes in the water but based on a truly bottom up strategy. This can only help accelerate these important initiatives.
To what degree do the following statements resonate with you?
To what degree do the following statements resonate with you?
- ‘We are an unorganized truth battling an organized lie.’
- ‘I refuse to be dominated by my lessers.’
- ‘Nevermind that I’m one tiny person, I will not ever look back and say I sat on my hands.’
- ‘I keep myself and my family safe by prioritizing the security of my community.’
- ‘I, like everyone, can have childish emotions but I can categorize them as such and so not let them control my behavior.’
- ‘I don’t want a leader, having left that craving behind in childhood. I much prefer to collaborate based on ideas which I respect.’
- Weak minds discuss people, Average minds discuss events, and Strong minds discuss ideas.
Basic Philosophical Study
This is a bottom-up strategy. Top-down means trying to select a virtuous leader but we (obviously) don’t even know yet how to do that in the first place. Disordered people are attracted to positions of power and credibility and as a society we are vulnerable; we don’t yet know how to recognize and filter out these pathological narcissists. This bottom up strategy based on philosophy means that there’s no head of the dragon to be chopped off. There will be a groundswell of virtuous adults working together in a way which cannot be subverted because they’ve allied around an idea; they won’t ever be diverted, corrupted, infiltrated or stopped because they all agree the idea provides a guaranteed outcome.
Again - offering a leader as a balm is the wrong way to get the attention and cooperation of self-parenting adults. To serve as an allegory for this bottom-up strategy, the Amazon Indians harvest otherwise difficult to catch fish by grating a poisonous root into the water which stuns the fish into immobility. This is exactly what in being done to us for many generations by the parasites. They cannot control us when we’re fully functional so instead they’ve learned how to degrade us so their very few can harvest the majority, starting especially from vulnerable childhoods.
We have been deliberately immersed in a pool of many poisons but especially they work to degrade and halt our emotional maturity. With emotional maturity, none of these psychological tricks work on us. This explains why it’s not working on you. Now, you as one single fish may leap onto the shore by yourself and chase away the poisoner but there will always be another one waiting with the same tactics to control your community in perpetuity. The few fish who have so far proved largely immune to the poisoning must organize and work together to permanently demolish the poisoners and so allow the entire pool to clear once and for all.
In Alberta there was the Heritage Trust Fund under Peter Lougheed and the incredibly effective government under Ralph Klein which scored Alberta #1 in all North America. These very positive outcomes created by virtuous adults came crashing down leaving Alberta even worse off than before. This is the vulnerability of a well-meaning but top-down strategy. So using this above historical next-door example ask yourself of all the freedom initiatives you’re aware of, ‘What’s different? In which way are they addressing the root problem so that it won’t eventually come back the same or even worse, no matter how well meaning is their efforts?’
The reason this bottom up strategy cannot be stopped is because it’s rooted rigorously in adulthood
Adults don’t crave a leader so it’s useless trying to seduce them with a controlled opposition figurehead. There’s no leader, its an idea, and only ideas create permanent change.
Good ideas create good permanent change.
Adults are incorruptible. They will only be attracted to what’s good for their community
Adults are accepting. We have all been immersed in this poison so we forgive each other’s idiosyncrasies and it follows, we still cooperate effectively.
Not everyone are adults as the Covid-19fraud exposed, but still the bulk of the population craves adulthood, as they ought to. Set the example and they will join us.
Until now, there’s never been an organized, bottom-up competition to the parasites built on an indestructible idea based solidly on the reality of the human condition.
Again - offering a leader as a balm is the wrong way to get the attention and cooperation of self-parenting adults. To serve as an allegory for this bottom-up strategy, the Amazon Indians harvest otherwise difficult to catch fish by grating a poisonous root into the water which stuns the fish into immobility. This is exactly what in being done to us for many generations by the parasites. They cannot control us when we’re fully functional so instead they’ve learned how to degrade us so their very few can harvest the majority, starting especially from vulnerable childhoods.
We have been deliberately immersed in a pool of many poisons but especially they work to degrade and halt our emotional maturity. With emotional maturity, none of these psychological tricks work on us. This explains why it’s not working on you. Now, you as one single fish may leap onto the shore by yourself and chase away the poisoner but there will always be another one waiting with the same tactics to control your community in perpetuity. The few fish who have so far proved largely immune to the poisoning must organize and work together to permanently demolish the poisoners and so allow the entire pool to clear once and for all.
In Alberta there was the Heritage Trust Fund under Peter Lougheed and the incredibly effective government under Ralph Klein which scored Alberta #1 in all North America. These very positive outcomes created by virtuous adults came crashing down leaving Alberta even worse off than before. This is the vulnerability of a well-meaning but top-down strategy. So using this above historical next-door example ask yourself of all the freedom initiatives you’re aware of, ‘What’s different? In which way are they addressing the root problem so that it won’t eventually come back the same or even worse, no matter how well meaning is their efforts?’
The reason this bottom up strategy cannot be stopped is because it’s rooted rigorously in adulthood
Adults don’t crave a leader so it’s useless trying to seduce them with a controlled opposition figurehead. There’s no leader, its an idea, and only ideas create permanent change.
Good ideas create good permanent change.
Adults are incorruptible. They will only be attracted to what’s good for their community
Adults are accepting. We have all been immersed in this poison so we forgive each other’s idiosyncrasies and it follows, we still cooperate effectively.
Not everyone are adults as the Covid-19fraud exposed, but still the bulk of the population craves adulthood, as they ought to. Set the example and they will join us.
Until now, there’s never been an organized, bottom-up competition to the parasites built on an indestructible idea based solidly on the reality of the human condition.
Widespread, Institutionalized Corruption
Obviously we have discovered that the councils are completely corrupt, the situation we could no longer ignore, during their unfair and totalitarian suspension of otherwise guaranteed civil liberties during the Covid-19 lockdown. That was the start of the wake-up. Here are some things which have been deliberately hidden from us, both through fraud and by fostering our own propensity for self delusion.
- The councils receive their directions directly from the UN, bypassing all levels of government (see Kicklei and POGG which appear to have differing approaches but agree on this point)
- They shut down small businesses yet large ones were allowed to operate. Rules for thee but not for me
- They promulgated the totally illegal and immoral vaccine passports
- They are all corporations but they deliberately keep this out of our awareness so we don’t ask uncomfortable questions about their right to apply licensing, bylaws and taxes on us.
- they keep us so heavily taxed that we have neither time nor energy to challenge the status quo.
Bottom Up Strategy
The heart of the strategy is the answer to this fundamental question; what are they doing to us why they always win, no matter how many times we have had our fill of their totalitarian nonsense and throw them out with a political or even violent rebellion? Well, it's because the parasites know the answer to this question and have used this knowledge against us. Here is another allegorical story meant to illustrate the situation which will lead to the basis of the solution we can build on to get permanent results. I will spell this out clearly at the end.
At the 1415 battle of Agincourt in Normandy, heavily outnumbered King English Henry V decisively won the battle against supremely confident, heavily armored Norman knights after waiting out a long downpour. The heavy French cavalry charged thunderously into the ragtag group but foundered in the sodden, now-muddy pasture, hemmed into a narrow area they couldn’t use to their advantage. The English easily waded in and picked them off, so disastrously helpless they had become. The English knew with absolute precision the true nature of the battlefield - it would turn into a sucking, glue-like mass for overweight men and horses. They knew the optimum place of advantage on that battlefield - a funnel shielded on either side by forests, and they wielded the war-wining weapon - the English longbow.
What if your enemy, despite being much smaller thoroughly understands the battlefield, always have and…you have no clue? Do you accept for this situation to persist? You’ve neither discussed nor even heard of this topic being addressed with anyone? The point to be made here is that one must know the terrain of the battlefield you’re actually on or be doomed. Conversely once you understand the terrain you will achieve parity with your enemy, who is so much smaller than your side they have no chance. Your enemy knows this very well, so their tactic is to create the conditions so that you never talk about this subject and so perpetually remain at the disadvantage.
They always use the same tactics and we never learn. Here is what I’m saying is the answer to the question stated above. I’m suggesting that the parasites know this precisely and have leveraged these tactics against us for a long time with very predictable results. Now - for the very first time - we know what’s up. It’s no longer in our instincts but now we have not only the philosophy but the words with which to overcome them, and permanently. This is how the least poisoned and most effective of us organize and work together at the beginning and how we grow to evolve into a permanent solution.
At the 1415 battle of Agincourt in Normandy, heavily outnumbered King English Henry V decisively won the battle against supremely confident, heavily armored Norman knights after waiting out a long downpour. The heavy French cavalry charged thunderously into the ragtag group but foundered in the sodden, now-muddy pasture, hemmed into a narrow area they couldn’t use to their advantage. The English easily waded in and picked them off, so disastrously helpless they had become. The English knew with absolute precision the true nature of the battlefield - it would turn into a sucking, glue-like mass for overweight men and horses. They knew the optimum place of advantage on that battlefield - a funnel shielded on either side by forests, and they wielded the war-wining weapon - the English longbow.
What if your enemy, despite being much smaller thoroughly understands the battlefield, always have and…you have no clue? Do you accept for this situation to persist? You’ve neither discussed nor even heard of this topic being addressed with anyone? The point to be made here is that one must know the terrain of the battlefield you’re actually on or be doomed. Conversely once you understand the terrain you will achieve parity with your enemy, who is so much smaller than your side they have no chance. Your enemy knows this very well, so their tactic is to create the conditions so that you never talk about this subject and so perpetually remain at the disadvantage.
They always use the same tactics and we never learn. Here is what I’m saying is the answer to the question stated above. I’m suggesting that the parasites know this precisely and have leveraged these tactics against us for a long time with very predictable results. Now - for the very first time - we know what’s up. It’s no longer in our instincts but now we have not only the philosophy but the words with which to overcome them, and permanently. This is how the least poisoned and most effective of us organize and work together at the beginning and how we grow to evolve into a permanent solution.
- The Battlefield - is emotional maturity
- The High Ground - is adulthood
- The Weapon - is language.
The Battlefield
In my example, I refused to bend to intimidation and went into the building and personally asked the clerks the questions. I stepped onto the battlefield.
The parasites know that emotional maturity makes us immune to all their tricks. Proof is how the few came through all the Covid-19 manipulation with our dignity and health intact. Conversely, our immaturity is how they win. They make their work harvesting us easy by first ensuring we are as immature as possible. Emotional immaturity means we cannot distinguish between non-credible emotions from the child perspective and credible emotions arising from the adult perspective which aligns with the real world. Councils are set up with a big intimidating building with police backing them up, a mayor wearing an impressive chain and many rules and documents. This is meant to intimidate you and so your fear will keep you from listening to your instincts and confronting them. When they successfully keep you from ever stepping on the battlefield of emotional maturity they win. We are kept corralled.
However…..these parasites haven’t a clue what emotional maturity actually even is. When you do step on that battlefield there’s no battle royale for control of the ground. They will vacate the battlefield because they have no rightful place there. Are you too intimidated to follow through in confronting them, even anonymously to one of the clerks by asking the list of questions? Well then, this is the battlefront, the no man’s land, the precipice in your mind. This is how they win and always have. You do it no matter how it makes you feel. It’s all smoke and mirrors anyways. This is adulthood, this is emotional maturity. this is how we win.
The parasites know that emotional maturity makes us immune to all their tricks. Proof is how the few came through all the Covid-19 manipulation with our dignity and health intact. Conversely, our immaturity is how they win. They make their work harvesting us easy by first ensuring we are as immature as possible. Emotional immaturity means we cannot distinguish between non-credible emotions from the child perspective and credible emotions arising from the adult perspective which aligns with the real world. Councils are set up with a big intimidating building with police backing them up, a mayor wearing an impressive chain and many rules and documents. This is meant to intimidate you and so your fear will keep you from listening to your instincts and confronting them. When they successfully keep you from ever stepping on the battlefield of emotional maturity they win. We are kept corralled.
However…..these parasites haven’t a clue what emotional maturity actually even is. When you do step on that battlefield there’s no battle royale for control of the ground. They will vacate the battlefield because they have no rightful place there. Are you too intimidated to follow through in confronting them, even anonymously to one of the clerks by asking the list of questions? Well then, this is the battlefront, the no man’s land, the precipice in your mind. This is how they win and always have. You do it no matter how it makes you feel. It’s all smoke and mirrors anyways. This is adulthood, this is emotional maturity. this is how we win.
The High Ground
In my example. I occupied the high ground by calmly asking questions with an adult tone.
The parasites deliberately occupy the high ground in society, that of adulthood. There is where they find the power, the credibility, the assumed virtue and the reflected glory. The temporary escape from their extreme childishness. They have no idea what adulthood actually is and they can only pretend, yet they know very well that merely occupying this space assigns them unwarranted respectability from the mostly immature society. ‘Credibility for Free’ is their watchword. When you step onto that battlefield (which they certainly don’t want you to do) you will occupy the adult high ground by asking them questions about certain things which go to the heart of their fraud. Shouting inventive at them and denouncing them is not really occupying the high ground, because in a way you’re still assigning them a level of credibility from the perspective of a child. “You need to fix this!” They're not even misbehaving adults. They're children in adult's bodies.
Asking questions as laid out has you taking the adult perspective - you’re calm, you’re knowledgeable and can handily address uncomfortable topics. It’s them now being self-delusional, not you in the least. You’ll clearly witness this on the faces of the clerks and the council, and worse, they’ll see you see it. The tone comes across as, “Did you eat the cookie? I can clearly see chocolate on your face, I’ll ask you again, have you done a naughty like you’re not supposed to?” They are the child, you are the adult. Again, they won’t fight you over the occupation of the high ground, they’ll flee because they know very well they have no right to be there when an actual adult shows up.
The parasites deliberately occupy the high ground in society, that of adulthood. There is where they find the power, the credibility, the assumed virtue and the reflected glory. The temporary escape from their extreme childishness. They have no idea what adulthood actually is and they can only pretend, yet they know very well that merely occupying this space assigns them unwarranted respectability from the mostly immature society. ‘Credibility for Free’ is their watchword. When you step onto that battlefield (which they certainly don’t want you to do) you will occupy the adult high ground by asking them questions about certain things which go to the heart of their fraud. Shouting inventive at them and denouncing them is not really occupying the high ground, because in a way you’re still assigning them a level of credibility from the perspective of a child. “You need to fix this!” They're not even misbehaving adults. They're children in adult's bodies.
Asking questions as laid out has you taking the adult perspective - you’re calm, you’re knowledgeable and can handily address uncomfortable topics. It’s them now being self-delusional, not you in the least. You’ll clearly witness this on the faces of the clerks and the council, and worse, they’ll see you see it. The tone comes across as, “Did you eat the cookie? I can clearly see chocolate on your face, I’ll ask you again, have you done a naughty like you’re not supposed to?” They are the child, you are the adult. Again, they won’t fight you over the occupation of the high ground, they’ll flee because they know very well they have no right to be there when an actual adult shows up.
The Weapon
In my example, I wielded deliberately designed language with the clerks as the war-winning weapon. As soon as I left the clerks called up to the council that 'this guy' intends to come to the public input session next week to ask about political neutrality.
Strange to think that something as non-violent as language is the key, however it has been used to perfectly control us up to this point. It follows that it's simply a matter of reverse engineering their success, which is to control people's minds which is much easier than messy physical control. I talk about 'adulthood' and 'emotional maturity', and 'our lessers' but do these words cause you discomfort as being what.... inappropriate? That's not an accident. We have been trained to never discuss these terms. If we've been 'not allowed' to talk about something, then that's the direction to follow. This is where your emotional maturity comes in. "Sure I feel vaguely uncomfortable but I'm not stopped by non-credible feelings."
When you study legalese you'll see that the phrase, "Do you understand," actually means to the perspective of the court "Do you stand under me?" The subconscious effect is actually profound enough for us to willingly declare yourself a slave to them. "How do you plead?" Only slaves plead with their masters. "I am asking you..." means 'as - King.' This is why I don't berate them. I flip the script and limit myself to purely as-king questions which the adult is putting to them to prove to me they're not being naughty children. I already know the answers to these questions and I know very well they're being naughty children faking adulthood.
The parasites (up to this point) have owned all the information channels so even though their designed language is completely moronic, they win through the sheer waterfall of volume. Our language will be built on truth, adulthood and emotional maturity. It will be self-perpetuating and not require constant money and energy to maintain it.
Here are some examples of our designed language. It is mostly constructed of what we're not allowed to say
Strange to think that something as non-violent as language is the key, however it has been used to perfectly control us up to this point. It follows that it's simply a matter of reverse engineering their success, which is to control people's minds which is much easier than messy physical control. I talk about 'adulthood' and 'emotional maturity', and 'our lessers' but do these words cause you discomfort as being what.... inappropriate? That's not an accident. We have been trained to never discuss these terms. If we've been 'not allowed' to talk about something, then that's the direction to follow. This is where your emotional maturity comes in. "Sure I feel vaguely uncomfortable but I'm not stopped by non-credible feelings."
When you study legalese you'll see that the phrase, "Do you understand," actually means to the perspective of the court "Do you stand under me?" The subconscious effect is actually profound enough for us to willingly declare yourself a slave to them. "How do you plead?" Only slaves plead with their masters. "I am asking you..." means 'as - King.' This is why I don't berate them. I flip the script and limit myself to purely as-king questions which the adult is putting to them to prove to me they're not being naughty children. I already know the answers to these questions and I know very well they're being naughty children faking adulthood.
The parasites (up to this point) have owned all the information channels so even though their designed language is completely moronic, they win through the sheer waterfall of volume. Our language will be built on truth, adulthood and emotional maturity. It will be self-perpetuating and not require constant money and energy to maintain it.
Here are some examples of our designed language. It is mostly constructed of what we're not allowed to say
- Emotional maturity consists of one's ability to categorize non-credible emotions as such and effectively set them aside so as to avoid poor outcomes.
- This is an adult conversation
- when someone resorts to logical fallacies, bullying methods and silence.
- Weak minds discuss people, average minds discuss events and strong minds discuss ideas
- to remind ourselves that only ideas create change.
- Freedom Mindset
- I am not being dominated by my lessers, because I too am a lesser
- stubbornly self delusional, happy to be slave
- I am being dominated by my lessers
- the first stage of awareness, though totally inactive
- I refuse to be dominated by my lessers
- taking firm, effective action small or large against narcissists and other parasites
- I dominate my lessers wherever I encounter them
- neither parasite nor narcissist can remain in the same room as you without coming apart at the seams
- I am not being dominated by my lessers, because I too am a lesser
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